Due to the increased number of codes and policies we are now required to have, each will now have its own page This is not the finished item we are still adding to the list, these will be on line just as soon as we complete them

Some codes or policies consists of many parts and these are listed beneath each heading

To view a particular code or policy just click on the heading

We now include England Netball policies for 

Social Media, policies,  & Anti Bulling and Harassment policy,

ALL Volunteer policies and job descriptions are being constantly revised, and the updated

in line with Government guidance on Covid-19 and in accordance with guidelines issued by England Netball and Sport England.

Updated details are being made available, as and when we receive them.


Volunteer policies

Recruitment, Training, Expenses, Support,  Insurance,  Confidentiality,  Resolving Problems 

Code of conduct for volunteers

Induction program for volunteers

Rolls & Responsibilities of Team Captains

Club Team Managers Job Description, Rolls & Responsibilities

Code of Conduct for supporters

Age Group Parents / Junior Representatives


Roles and job Descriptions for Club Volunteers

How to complete your role descriptions for volunteers

Club Chair Job descriptionClub Secretary Job descriptionClub Treasurer Job descriptionJunior Representative (U18)Club Safeguarding OfficerClub Volunteer CoordinatorFundraising OfficerHead CoachPublicity OfficerJunior CoordinatorSocial SecretaryTeam ManagerWebsite Officer Job description

Roles & Responsibility of Umpire

Roles & Responsibilities of Assistant Coach/(s)




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1.Name 1.1 The club shall be Brigg and District Netball Club (here after called "the Club"

2.Aim   2.1 To develop the game of netball at all levels throughout Brigg and its neighourhood

3. Objectives  3.1 To promote structured competition for all members at all levels.

3.2 To encourage a competitive spirit within a structured framework.

3.3 To promote  participation regardless of gender/ability or background.

3.4 To encourage fair play and sportsmanship fair play and sportsman

3.5 To play ALL matches in accordance with the rules of the England Netball

Association.  (ENA.)

3.6 To promote. High 5Netball to under I 1 's

4. Membership  4.1 Membership shall be open to all residents of Brigg and its Neighbourhood.

4.2 Membership will be welcomed from parents/guardians of children on the attendance

register of the club and to other persons who are interested in furthering the development

of the. club.

4.3 All members shall play in the Correct age groups and be affiliated to the ENA via

the club.

4.4 All coaches will be ENA Level J coaches or above and be affiliated

4.5 All club coaches and officials will be police (CRB) checked

RAP Rule Clarification Rule 7.1 (iii)

In March 2009 a Rules Query regarding treatment of injured players during two minute stoppages was considered by the RAP and a response was circulated to all Members on the 25th March 2009.

Later that year another Member wrote seeking clarification on the RAP response circulated.  RAP responded in June 2009 confirming their earlier advice was correct.

At its recent meeting the IFNA Board considered these responses and agreed that the interpretation circulated in March 2009 was correct and was also in accordance with the International Umpire protocols.

RAP therefore wishes to re-confirm the following clarification:

“Rule 7.1 (iii) The first stoppage for each team in each quarter or half (refer Rule 2.1 and 2.2) shall be up to two (2) minutes from when time is held to decide whether an injured or ill player is fit to continue. The decision shall be left to the Primary care personnel. No other Team Official from the Bench is permitted on Court.”

During this stoppage, other players from either team who are injured or ill may receive treatment from their Primary Care personnel. The length of the stoppage is determined by the treatment required by the player for whom play was stopped.

Either team may make Substitutions or Team Changes.  Refer:  Rule 6.1.1 and 7.1 (v).

Cheryl Danson – Chair RAP – July 2010


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5. Membership Fees

5.1 Members will pay a registration fee, which will be agreed at the AGM to be paid

within the first 4 weeks of attendance. no latter than the dote stated on the form for the

forthcoming season.

5.2 A weekly training fee will be charged and shall be agreed at the AGM.

6. Honorary Officers

6.1 The club shall be governed by a club committee elected annually. (at an

Annual General Meeting). comprising of a Chairperson. Treasurer, Secretary. and a

Fund raising officer. of which a minimum of2 will sign this constitution, as a sign of its


6.2 The Chairperson may serve for a maximum of five years

7.Club Committee

7.1 The management of the affairs of the club shall be vested in the club committee


7.1.1 The honorary officers (as appointed in no. 6.1 above)

7.1.2 Club Coaches x 2. and 2 junior representatives (in a none voting capacity)

Plus 5 ordinary members.

7.2 A Minimum of 4 club committee meetings shall be arranged as necessary during the


7.3 The club committee may fill any casual vacancy in respect of the honorary officers to

act until the net AGM

7.4 A quorum for all meetings shall be three officers.

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8.} The committee shall have the power to raise funds, apply for grants and sponsorship

as it sees best.

8.2 To employ on such terms and conditions of employment as the committee shall

determine any paid or voluntary worker(s) to assist in the attainment of the said aims and



9.1 The treasurer, shall keep accounts of the club and prepare a statement of accounts/or

the AGM. The accounts will be independently reviewed by Andrew Dawson and  presented by the Treasurer at the annual general meeting

9.2The financial year of the club will end 31st June 2019

9.3 A bank account has been opened in the name of the club.

9.4 Two out of three signatures (Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer) will sign all

cheques, and accounts.


10.Annual General Meeting (AGM)

10.1 An AGM will be held yearly. Date to be decided at the previous AGM

10.2 Notification of the AGM will be circulated at least four weeks prior to the date of

the AGM.

10.3 Business to be transacted shall be:

10.3.1 To receive reports and accounts covering the past year~

10.3.2 To elect honorary officers and other members of the club committee

10.4 Persons eligible to vote at the AGM

10.4.1 Each honorary officer 1vote-Chairperson casting vote only

10.4.2 A parent/guardian per junior member.

10.5 No person shall be permitted to have more than one vote on each proposal.

11. Extraordinary General Meeting     

11.1 May be called by order of the club committee or upon written request by at least 6

members, stating the purpose for which a meeting is required and shall set out any

resolution which it is desired to propose.

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12.Disciplinary Measures

12.1 The junior committee shall have the power to discipline in such a manner as the

 club see fit, but subject to

12.2. A member who has been guilty of conduct

considered by the junior club committee to be disgraceful or prejudicial to the interests of

the junior club or the game of netball or in breach of the memorandum, articles and byelaws

of the ENA and/or of the constitution of the club. The power to discipline

shall include power to recommend to the Lincolnshire County Committee to suspend or

remove a member from membership of the club. On receipt of notification off acts or

circumstances that a member may be guilty of such conduct the junior club committee

shall have the power to:

A. Appoint and constitute a Disciplinary Committee and

B.  Make such terms of reference and regulation as it considers necessary jar the

conduct and proceedings of such Disciplinary Committee.

12.3 A member who has been the subject of disciplinary action by the club

committee has the right to An Appeal Committee, consisting of such of the honorary

officers of the club committee who have not served on the Disciplinary Committee

concerning the subject of the appeal and who agree to serve on such Appeal Committee.


] 3.1. The Club/League against all costs shall indemnify all honorary officers and

members of the club committee and losses for which they may become liable by reason of

duty performed for/or with the authority of the club committee.

14. Equity

No participant, volunteer, job applicant or employee will receive less favorable

treatment on the grounds of gender, marital status, social class, colour, race, ethnic

origins, religious belief disability, or will be disadvantaged by the conditions or

requirements which are not relevant to their performance.


The club may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two thirds majority of those

present and voting at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose of which 21

days notice shall be given (to all members). Such a resolution may give instructions for

the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the Club but provided that if any

property remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, such property shall not

be paid to or distributed among the members of the club, but shall be transferred to such

other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to some or all of the

objects of the Club as the Club may determine and if and insofar as effect cannot be given

to this provision then to some other charitable purpose.  

                                                      C.R.B Checks

Following the recent announcements in the press we have decided to continue with our present policy until we are advised otherwise

The main message is nothing has changed, checks are not required next month and at present, all our current good practice in terms of safeguarding remains: personal disclosures, references and CRBs where applicable. We  will keep copies off ALL CRB checks if we arrange transport, then the driver MUST be CRB checked if parents arrange their own, then they don’t have to be, but we can offer to get them done for parents, see Vanessa.  

LAST UPDATED 13/07/2024                                   

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